SNBS Conducts a Two-day consultation workshop with Federal Gov & Federal Member State Ministries of Planning preparation for VNR Report
Published on September 27, 2022

A consultation meeting on Sustainable Development Goals and final preparation of the voluntary national review report was conducted by the Somalia National Bureau of statistics between the 5th-6th of June 2022. The workshop was attended by the director generals of the Federal government and those of the federal member’s state.
The main objectives of the consultive workshop were sharing ideas, experiences, and opinions that could help the Somalia national Bureau of statistics drafting of the voluntary national review report before submitted to the United Nations as well as other implementation of sustainable development goals within the FG and FMS. The other object was also Learning from the DGs of both the FG and FMS how the they are implementing the 17 goals of the SDG and how all the stakeholders could take part in the discussion of the VNR report that the country is submitting this year for the first time.
The main agenda of the meeting was to consult with the DGs of both the FG and FMS for their input on the national voluntary review before it is submitted to the united nation. During the two days’ workshop, it was further discussed about filling the existing data gaps, and establish strong collaboration to move the implementation of the agenda 2030 forward. The DGs attended contributed their opinions, ideas and how best the Voluntary national review can be prepared by wholly giving out their inputs during the two days consultative workshop.
The three main agreed points out of these two days’ workshop was: The Final draft of the VNR report to be shared with DGs for further inputs in a time frame of two days. Establish strong collaboration between the DGs of the FG, FMS and Somalia national bureau of statistics in all forms of reporting the progress of the SDGs and how best to achieve all the 17 sustainable development goals in Somalia. DGs of FG and FMS to Support the Somalia National bureau of statistics in providing the missing data in excel which is the data hub for storing, analyzing, and disseminating and reporting the progress of Somalia in the SDGs using the data shared.